
Harness the power of microbiome science

What we know today?

Microbiota dysbiosis is associated with disease

The disruption to the microbial balance or diversity, known as microbiota dysbiosis. This is becoming increasingly common in today’s modern world due to the loss of beneficial bacteria species – known as ‘microbial old friends’ or ‘ancient’ probiotic strains – in the human gut microbiota.

Powering microbiome science

Our key to this?

Unique human resident probiotic strains exhibiting outstanding phenotypic characteristics and distinct mechanisms of action targeting specific health areas

To fully support human health, generic probiotic solutions – which in most cases are not supported by science – aren’t enough anymore. As a leading expert and pioneer in the field of biotics, we remain at the forefront of cutting-edge microbial science and probiotic research.

We are passionate about advancing the biotic space through the development of novel, clinically studied solutions that deliver proven health benefits.

S. Sanguinis with i3.1 probiotic

How do we develop next-generation probiotic solutions?

  • Non industrialized societies habitat
    Examine the gut microflora of non-industrialized, healthy populations with ‘microbial old friends’
  • Private bank of probiotic strains
    Build and nourish our private bank of high-potential precision probiotic strains
  • Woman in a lab analyzing distinct strains
    Screen the mechanism of action of distinct strains to determine if they could support specific health areas
  • Happy man after consuming probiotics
    Prove efficacy in clinical trials built on strong in vitro and in vivo evidence
Probiotic innovation

Powered by science

Tap into the groundbreaking clinical evidence of our probiotic solutions

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Discover A New World Of Possibilities With Kaneka Probiotics

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