Kaneka NPN Floradapt™ Baby Colic

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Baby Colic Probiotic News

Kaneka Receives NPN License Approval for Floradapt™ Baby Colic

Newark, CA (February 9, 2020) — Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc., achieves Health Canada Class III approval for Floradapt™ Baby Colic under the Natural and Nonprescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) as identified by the Natural Product Number (NPN) 80096715. Floradapt Baby Colic™ is a patented probiotic that has been assessed by Health Canada and found to be safe, effective and of high quality under the recommended conditions.

Colic is the frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in an otherwise healthy infant. Colic management can be a high priority for parents, as episodes of colic can occur for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week, for three or more weeks. Infant colic, or excessive crying syndrome, is seen in newborns most often for the first three months of life but can persist up to six months. It is seen in 8-20% of infants and is a major cause of 10-20% of all pediatrician visits in the first four months of life.

Floradapt™ Baby Colic NPN allows for the following claims:

  • Helps reduce total crying time in infants with colic.

  • Helps reduce the duration of crying episodes in babies/infants by providing gut comfort and colic symptoms relief.

  • Improvement in colic symptoms, impacting positively in the infant comfort and consequently in the quality of life of the parents.

  • Helps improve colic symptoms relief in babies/infants such as crying, fussing, or irritability.

  • Helps improve gut health and comfort in colicky babies/infants

  • Helps optimize gut health and comfort in colicky babies/infants

  • Source of Probiotics

  • Helps support intestinal / gastrointestinal health

  • Could promote a favorable gut flora

*Claims not valid for the US Market

According to Mike Kolifrath, Vice President, Sales and Marketing of the Probiotics Division at Kaneka, “Baby Colic is born on a foundation of three double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Furthermore, commercial research into probiotic trends indicates high potential for an innovative liquid format with demonstrated efficacy in breast-feeding and formula-feeding applications.”

Floradapt™ Baby Colic is part of Kaneka’s Probiotic Portfolio, which are products based on a mechanistic approach to identify optimal strains for specific health applications. Our strain library collection has over 1,000+ strains strategically sourced from populations around the world with conserved microbiomes. Floradapt™ includes strains for Cardio, Digestive, Intensive G.I., Gum Health, Mature Immune Defense, Vaginal Health, and Urinary Tract. Floradapt’s efficacy is rooted in its clinical strains, and accomplished through a unique mechanism of action (MoA) not seen in other probiotic products.

About Kaneka

Kaneka is a leader in the development of scientifically based ingredients for the global nutrition industry. Kaneka is committed to promoting business development to provide solutions that support healthy and energetic lives. For more information, visit us at http://www.floradapt.com.