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AB-BIOTICS develops the project “BRAINMETS: Nous biomarcadors per detecció precoç de metàstasi cerebral en càncer de mama“, based on a collaboration with researchers from Hospital Clínic de Barcelona-IDIBAPS. The project has received funding from ACCIÓ, with number of file PAT15-1-0018.

AB-BIOTICS SA in cooperation with the private foundation CAIXA AIDS Research Institute participates in the project RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW THERAPY FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF INTESTINAL MICROBIOMY IN HIV + IMMUNODISCORDANT PATIENTS with funding from the Ministry of Science, Research and Universities, through the program RETOS in Collaboration program and whose file is RTC-20016-5113-1.The project has been co-financed by the Euro-European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-in Spanish).

AB-BIOTICS S.A. participates in the RIS3CAT project COMRDI15-1-0029: New modulating ingredients of the microbiota applying the omics and big data biotechnology, which has been co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional- in Spanish).

AB-BIOTICS S.A. in cooperation with the FUNDACIÓN PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN BIOMEDICA DEL HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO RAMON Y CAJAL participates in the Research project of a microorganism with the capacity to degrade gluten as well as other immunotoxic peptides from other cereals, and its development and clinical validation as a pharmaceutical product for the celiac disease, with funding from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, through the Challenges in Collaboration Program and whose file number is the RTC-2015-3440-1. The project has been co-financed by the European Union, as it is a Program that is aligned with the following Thematic Objective of the Operational Program: Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.

AB-BIOTICS S.A. coordinates the project Development of combined nutritional therapies for the treatment of ulcerative colitis by increasing the biodiversity of the microbiota, in collaboration with the HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARI HOSPITAL VALL D’HEBRON and the FUNDACIÓN PARA INVESTIGACIÓN BIOMÉDICA HOSPITAL GREGORIO MARAÑON. The project has received funding from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Challenges in Collaboration Program and whose file number is the RTC-2015-3548-1. The project has been co-financed by the European Union, as it is a Program that is aligned with the following Thematic Objective of the Operational Program: Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.

AB-BIOTICS S.A. in cooperation with the BOSCH I GIMPERA FOUNDATION, they are investigating within the framework of the multigenic Predictor project for the prevention of secondary effects induced by antipsychotics – APSIDE, with funding from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, through the Challenges in Collaboration Program and whose file number is the RTC-2015-3440-1. The project has been co-financed by the European Union, as it is a Program that is aligned with the following Thematic Objective of the Operational Program: Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.

AB-BIOTICS S.A. in cooperation with the FOUNDATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF HEALTH AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH IN THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY, they have started the research project Development of Streptococcus dentisani as probiotic anticaries, with funding from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, through the Challenges in Collaboration Program and whose number of file is the RTC-2015-4292-1. The project has been co-financed by the European Union, as it is a Program that is aligned with the following Thematic Objective of the Operational Program: Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.

AB-BIOTICS S.A. participates in the project eResponse: Prediction software for response to pharmacological treatments for the eReport platform, file TSI-100700-2014-10, developed jointly with the company ORYZON GENOMICS DIAGNOSTICO SL, which is being co-financed by the Ministry of Industry , Energy and Tourism, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2013-2016.

AB-BIOTICS S.A. participates in the InteliGEN Suite project: Development of a dynamic pharmacogenetic platform for depression, file TSI-020605-2012-56, developed jointly by the companies ASCIDEA COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY SOLUTIONS S.L., STACKOPS TECHNOLOGIES S.L. and PASSWORDBANK TECHNOLOGIES S.L. (currently Mas Movil Telecom 3.0 S.A.), which is being co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011.

Ticker name: ABB:SM
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